Taqrib Usul as-Sunnah wa Bayan ma Fiha (Gathering 8 Hadith books)

تقريب أصول السنة وبيان ما فيها من الفوائد والعلل والحكمة - إبراهيم بن عبدالكريم العنقري

A gem for apprentice students of Hadith. With a great deal of effort in gathering and comparing, the author has brought together in a single book the essentials of the 8 books of Hadith. Taking the Sahih Bukhari as his base, he mentions for each Hadith the different versions and chains in the other collections, and sometimes comments on the chains or the text itself.

This enables the reader to get an overview of a hadith, learning about the different accounts of similar narrations in the other collections, as well as the supplements that exist in some cases.

Superb 4-volume edition, clear and methodical layout, 100% Harakat.

125.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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تقريب أصول السنة وبيان ما فيها من الفوائد والعلل والحكمة
إبراهيم بن عبدالكريم العنقري
مكتبة دار الحجاز
بكل التشكيل أو معظمها
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Taqrib Usul as-Sunnah wa Bayan ma Fiha (Gathering 8 Hadith books)
125.00 €