Su’ood al-Maraaqi ila Alfiat al-’Iraaqi (3...

5 Risala on the Hadith Da'if and its status

Shurut al-A-immah as-Khamsah - Al-Hafidh...

Sharh Nuzhatu-Nadhar by Imam ibn Hajar...

Muntaha ar-Raghbah fi Halli Alfadh an-Nukhbah -...

A very useful book in the Science of Hadith; it is divided into two sections:
The First section is related to the theoretical side and it contains: a biography of Imam Ali Ibn Al-Madini, defining the science of Ilala (hidden defects of hadith) and defining its concept, importance, how to study it and its issues…etc.
The Second Section is related to its application, which is more comprehensive.
A very important book for students of Hadith and its sciences; it deals with a very precise and ambiguous science. It is full of useful applications with distinctive templates and more than 850 pages.
This new edition comes with theoretical and practical exercises with the solution via QR Code.
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