Mushaf Al-Zahrawaan: Similarities in the Quran (Mutashabihat)
مصحف الزهراوان في متشابهات القرآن - يمنى محمد أبو النصر
This is a wonderful book that employs a clever method to address similar verses in the Quran and to solve the memorization difficulties that arise from them.
The book contains the complete Quran in the Hafs recitation, and it uses specific symbols to indicate verses that are completely similar and those that are partially similar, mentioning all instances of similarity to facilitate review of the memorization. This edition leaves space on the margins for the reader to add notes and remarks. The bottom margin of the book contains the complete Sakhawi poem on the rules of similar verses, with one poetry line on each page.
Overall, this book represents a tremendous effort and an innovative idea that aids in the memorization of the Quran.
Data sheet
- Title
- مصحف الزهراوان في متشابهات القرآن
- Author
- يمنى محمد أبو النصر
- Pages
- 620
- Edition
- دار التقوى
- Cover
- Hard
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- In Majority or Totality
- Print Quality
- Good Quality Print
Zipped Quran with Tajweed rules (Hafs) - 3 sizes
Quran engraved Brown, superior quality (14x20cm)
Quran: Boxed set of 6 parts
Quran engraved velvet cover & gilding (bluish...
Quran engraved velvet cover & gilding (bluish...
Quran engraved velvet cover & gilding (bluish...
Quran with Tajweed rules (Hafs) - Brown engraved leather cover
مصحف غلاف بييو PU (بني) مع ألوان التجويد 20*14
Quran with Color by subject + Tafsir Kalimat by Sheikh as-Sa'di
مصحف التفسير الموضوعي مع تفسير السعدي - 14*20 فليكس
Quran Medium Size - Warsh - Royal Blue and Gilding (14x20cm)
مصحف برواية ورش عن نافع - حجم (14 × 20 سم)
Quran engraved velvet cover & gilding (bluish pages) - Pink
مصحف مجلد مخملي / وردي - مدينة ٣٠ غرام 14*20
Quran engraved velvet cover & gilding (bluish pages) - White
مصحف مجلد مخملي / أبيض - مدينة ٣٠ غرام 14*20
Quran engraved velvet cover & gilding (bluish pages) - Royal Blue
مصحف مجلد مخملي / أزرق ملكي - مدينة ٣٠ غرام 14*20
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