Ar-Risalah al-Qubrusiyyah (The Cypriot Letter) - Ibn Taymiyyah
الرسالة القبرصية لشيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية
The “Cypriot Letter” is a great letter that contains abundant knowledge of clarifying the greatness of the religion of Islam and the doctrine of monotheism, informing of its moderation and justice, and affirming the high morals of its people and their progress in all good, and addressing the Christians with what their condition requires, while disclosing their deviation and corruption. The letter contains other precious information in science and history.
Here is the beginning of this rare Risalah of Ibn Taymiyyah : "From Ahmad Ibn Taymiyyah to Sir-Juan, a notable of the people of his religious confession, to the heads of religion and notables of this world under his care – priests, monks, princes, and secretaries –, and to those who follow them: Peace be upon whoever follows the right guidance..."
And its conclusion: "And Allah knows that I intend good for the King since Allah Almighty directed us to do so, and He prescribed for us that we desire good for everyone, sympathize with Allah's creation, call them to Allah and His religion, and expel the devils of mankind and the jinn from them."
Good Egyptian edition verified from 3 manuscripts.
Data sheet
- Title
- الرسالة القبرصية
- Author
- شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية
- Pages
- 162
- Edition
- دار اللؤلؤة المصرية
- Cover
- Hard
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- In Majority or Totality
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