Books attributed to the wrong authors - Dr Azzat Al-Salami
التعريف بما نسب لغير صاحبه من التصنيف - د.عزت بن عبدالرحمن السلمي
Definition of writings attributed to someone other than its author
The author, Dr. Ezzat Ibn Abdul Rahman Al-Salami, said: There are many books that have been wrongly attributed to people other than their authors due to many reasons; and there were many efforts and time spent to return the rights to their owners and prove the attribution of books to their authors. In this book, I have done everything in my power to restore the right to its people in a variety of subjects, including literature, jurisprudence and its foundations, Quranic science, Hadith science, history, biographies, and creeds.
I do not claim to be aware of everything attributed to unclassified literature, as this is both implausible and true, but I do claim to have come across a wide spectrum of those works.
I pray to Allah that our endeavour would benefit researchers and seekers of knowledge...
Data sheet
- Title
- التعريف بما نسب لغير صاحبه من التصنيف
- Author
- عزت بن عبدالرحمن السلمي
- Pages
- 908
- Edition
- تبصرة
- Cover
- Hard
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
Akhlaq Ahl al-Quran by imam al-Ajurri
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Sharh Ta'dhim al-'Ilm - Salih al-'Usaymi
Jaami' bayaan al-'Ilm wa Fadluhu - Ibn Abdil...
The specificities of the Arabic language and the obligation to learn it
خصائص اللغة العربية ولماذا يجب تعلمها - محمد نعمان الدين الندوي
'Ilm A-Istinbat fil Qur'an (al-Mafhum wa al-Manhaj) - Nayef Al-Zahrani
علم الاستنباط في القرآن ( المفهوم والمنهج ) - د. نايف الزهراني
Sharh Risalah Adab ad-Daris wal-Mudarris - Abdullah al-Fawzan
شرح رسالة آداب الدارس و المدرس - عبد الله الفوزان
Al-Wasaya al-Abawiya ar-Rabbaniya li Tullab al-Jami'at - Sheikh Aba al-Khayl
الوصايا الأبوية الربانية لطلاب الجامعات ذوي الهمم العاليات - الشيخ سليمان أبا الخيل
The discrepancy between scholars - Shaykh al-'Uthaymin
الخلاف بين العلماء أسبابه وموقفنا منه ـ الشيخ العثيمين
Jaami' bayaan al-'Ilm wa Fadluhu - Ibn Abdil Barr (463H)
جامع بيان العلم وفضله ـ الحافظ ابن عبد البر
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