Magnificent work as the background by the shape and by the subject. The edition is sublime, the work is huge and you can see the love between-that testifies to those who have contributed to this impressive work towards our mother, Aicha, radia Allahu anha.
The book is the most comprehensive research Aicha either: her life, her virtues, her place in Science, her place among Ahl al-Bayt, and finally a rebuttal to the falsehoods that are said to her, may Allah humiliates the Rawafid.
In addition to this great content presented in a particularly careful and successful edition, the authors have prepared a summary of the book of about forty pages in 7 languages: Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Indonesian, Turkish, French and English.
The book is praised by many scholars and preachers including: Mufti Abdel Aziz Al Shaykh, Shaykh al-Fawzan, Shaykh al-Barrak, Shaykh ar-Rajihi.
Rare work, very limited quantities.
Data sheet
- Title
- عائشة أم المؤمنين
- Author
- مجموعة من الباحثين
- Pages
- 959
- Edition
- الدرر السنية
- Cover
- Hard
- Preface
- ثلة من العلماء والدعاة
- Checking and preparation
- علوي بن عبد القادر السقاف
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
- Print Quality
- Premium Quality
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