As-Sirah an-Nabawiyyah - Adh-Dhahabi

Research Reviews in the theological heritage...

Kitab al-Awa-il (The Book of the First) - Ibn...

Qasas al-Anbiya by Imam ibn Jarir at-Tabari

Excerpts from the life of the well-guided...

Noah, peace be upon him, and the Great Deluge: Ali Muhammad As-Sallabi
This is a unique book in its approach and style, comprehensive of its subject matter, in which the author deals with the story of Prophet Noah, peace be upon him, in its details and particulars, extracting its lessons, correcting the inaccuracies, delusions and myths, calling to follow the example of Noah, peace be upon him, in his patience in calling to God Almighty.
The book included important information about the content of Noah’s Message, peace be upon him, his methodology in inviting people to it, his patience over his people’s harm to him, his building of the ark, followed by the details of the great deluge, and the salvation of Noah and his company of the believers, who established the second human civilization, and built it on the foundations of piety and exclusive worship to Allah Almighty Alone.
All this was achieved with a comprehensive, generalised vision, a disciplined scientific methodology, and a smooth style that suits the contemporary perception.
This beautiful book (+500 pages) relies on evidence, proofs, and texts that are conclusively authentic, such as the Noble Qur’an, the noble Hadith, the traditions and scholars’ opinions.
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