Rihlat Ibn Battuta (The Journey of Ibn Battuta: A Masterpiece of the Spectators In the Strangeness of the Lands and the Wonders)
The Cambridge Society dubbed Ibn Battuta the Prince of Muslim Travelers because of his most popular trip book and his great reputation in Europe.
Ibn Battuta began his journey from Tangier. He left it in the year 725 AH. He traveled through Morocco, Egypt, the Levant, the Hijaz, Iraq, Persia, Yemen, and Bahrain, and returned to perform the Hajj again during the Hajj of Al-Nasser Ibn Qalawun, and returned to Egypt, and from there to the Levant, then to Anatolia, Turkestan, Transoxiana, some parts of India, China, and Java, and the country of the Tatars, as well as Central Africa.
Ibn Battuta spent more than thirty years of his life traveling and documenting his experiences. In a narrative pattern and an appealing style comparable to the language and style of the public, Ibn Battuta detailed every country he travelled through, mentioning its inhabitants, kings, scholars, and judges.
Data sheet
- Title
- رحلة ابن بطوطة - تحفة النظار في غرائب اللامصار
- Author
- ابن بطوطة
- Pages
- 478
- Edition
- دار التقوى
- Cover
- Soft
- Format
- 14x20cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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