Juhud Ulama al-Hanafiya fi Ibtal Aqida al-Quburiya - 3 vol.
جهود علماء الحنفية في إبطال عقائد القبورية - د. شمس الدين السلفي الأفغاني
Huge Thesis on an excellent subject in the Aqeedah and Minhaj: The efforts of the Hanafi scholars in the refutation of the beliefs of Quburi (worshipers of tombs / mausoleums).
Here are the main lines of research:
Hanafi Ulema efforts in clarifying the Aqeedah of Tawheed Uluhiyyah in particular, its conditions and the refutation to Qoubouri qbout that.
Their efforts to invalidate the unification of the Tawhid Rububiyyah and Uluhiyyah (consisting to say that Tawheed is only the Rububiyyah) and expose the conditions of worship, its pillars and its kinds.
Their efforts to expose and warn against Shirk, its definition and types; to expose that Shirk is present into Quburiyyah of the Ummah.
Their efforts to expose and refute the exaggeration of Quburi against the saints and pious, about to the Ghayb, about their bad belief in al-Istigharatha (asking help), their innovated Tawassul, their understanding of the Nadhr, of Tabarruk, of visiting graves and building domes above.
Data sheet
- Title
- جهود علماء الحنفية في إبطال عقائد القبورية
- Author
- د. شمس الدين السلفي الأفغاني
- Volumes
- 3
- Pages
- 1861
- Edition
- دار الصميعي
- Cover
- Hard
- Volumes
- 3
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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Custom and its impact on legal application in the Hanafi School
العرف واثره في التطبيق الفقهي وفق المذهب الحنفي - باسم حسين عيتاني
Biography of Abu Hanifa and his disciples : Nazm al-Juman - Ibn Doqmaq
نظم الجمان في طبقات أصحاب إمامنا النعمان - ابن دقماق
Tanbih al-Afham 'ala Ma'ani 'Umdah al-Hukkam - An-Nabulsi al-Hanafi
تنبيه الأفهام على معاني عمدة الحكام - عبد الغني النابلسي
Sharh Mukhtasar al-Quduri - Abi Nasr Al-Aqta' (student of al-Quduri)
شرح مختصر القدوري - أبي نصر الأقطع
Al-Madkhal al-Mufassal ila al-Fiqh al-Hanafi - Salah Abu al-Hajj
المدخل المفصل إلى الفقه الحنفي - صلاح محمد أبو الحاج
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حقيبة التاهيل الفقهي على مذهب الامام ابي حنيفة
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الروضة السنية في فقه الحنفية - الإمام ابن بلبان الفارسي
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