The aim of this book is to transmit what is essential to know in grammar, by choosing a simple methodology and varied explanations adapted to the understanding of the greatest number. The book is divided into two parts:
The first part deals with the grammatical basis in terms of word type, its definition, syntax, structure, verbs and construction letters (Huruf), holding on to the nominal and verbal sentence, and concluding in this part with an explanation of the Maqsud bil-Mafa'il and their types.
The second part deals with Mansubat and its consequences.
This book is widely distributed in Egypt, and has been reviewed, prefaced and recommended by two professors of Arabic literature at the University of Alexandria.
Data sheet
- Title
- الكافي في النحو
- Author
- السيد خليفة
- Pages
- 622
- Edition
- دار التقوى
- Cover
- Hard
- Preface
- عبده الراجحى و طاهر سليمان حمودة
- Format
- 17x24cm
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