Kitab Al-Jumu'ah wa Fadliha - Abu Bakr...

Al-Ilma’ ila Ma’rifat Usul ar-Riwaya wa Taqyid...

Ibanah al-Ahkam Sharh Bulugh al-Maram -...

Kitab al-Asami wa al-Kuna - Abi Ahmad al-Haakim...

Musnad Abi Bakr as-Siddiq - Ahmad ibn 'Ali...

Here is the Musnad of Abu Dawud at-Tayalissi (204H) which gathers 2890 hadiths. The Musnad are collections which are classified by narrators, and therefore by Sahabas, Imam at-Tayalisi begins for example by the 10 companions promised to Paradise. It seems that the collection is not directly the work of the Imam, but what his pupil Yunus ibn Habib assembled from what the Sheikh transmitted to him.
Imam Abu Dawud at-Tayalissi (133-204H) is a Muhaddith and Hafidh of the first three centuries, he reports among other from Sufyan ath-Thawri and Shu'bah and transmitted the hadith to Imam Ahmad and Ali Ibn al-Madini.
Beautiful edition, with the majority of harakats, research summaries, and the referencing of the hadiths in the other collections.
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