Shudhur adh-Dhahab fi Ma'rifati Kalam al-'Arab...

Alfiat Ibn Mu'ti fi an-Nahwi wa as-Sarfi wa...

Matn Qatr an-Nadaa - Ibn Hisham

Alfiat as-Suyuti fi an-Nahwi wa as-Sarfi wa...

Mutun in the Arabic Language (6 matn)

Tanseeq Al-Ajrumiyyah (The Arranging of Al-Ajrumiyyah Poem)
This is a book that presents the text of the Al-Ajrūmiyyah in a beautiful arrangement and stylish format that eases its memorization and facilitates its understanding by the student. It has been said: “Paragraphing represents half the explanation”
Al-Muqaddimah Al-Ajrūmiyyah is widely known among the people of knowledge; you will not find a student of Islamic knowledge who has not read it or memorised it. The scholars have taken care of it clearly throughout the ages; they have explained it, revised it and grammatically analysed it. So the author has arranged it in a manner to facilitate its memorization, and inserted a blank page to make it easier for the reader to explain and comment on the text.
Belle édition koweïtienne du Matn al-Ajroumiyyah, spécial annotations, avec une page sur deux consacrée à la prise de note.
Le Matn 100% Harakat est très aéré, avec beaucoup de retour à la ligne pour espacer les mots et ainsi prendre le temps d’annoter les mots et concepts importants.
Impression en noir et rouge sur papier beige.
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