Al-Jami' li Akhlaq ar-Rawi - al-Khatib al-Baghdadi

الجامع لأخلاق الراوي وآداب السامع للخطيب البغدادي

Excellent work citing the characters and the good behaviors that must have the reporter of hadith and the one who learns the hadith, and beyond that any student of science of course.

Al-Khatib al-Baghdaadi wrote dozens of books on the sciences of the hadith, be it musnad, books of mustalah, Adab of Muhaddith or Talib, or on reporters.

This work allows to recognize the teacher's personality traits and student in general and in the Hadith and its sciences in particular.

Excellent Egyptian edition in 2 large volumes (1600 pages), verified from 2 manuscripts, which corrects the errors of other editions, with beneficial annotations.
Some of the Harakats.
Tahqiq: أبو عبد الله أحمد بن أبي العينين
Volumes: 2
Pages: 1608
Edition: دار اللؤلؤة المصرية
€52.90 (tax incl.)
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الجامع لأخلاق الراوي وآداب السامع
الحافظ الخطيب البغدادي
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)

Editions available

Al-Jami' li Akhlaq ar-Rawi - al-Khatib al-Baghdadi  الجامع لأخلاق الراوي وآداب السامع للخطيب البغدادي

Edition 1 volume

Magnificent Saudi edition verified and authenticated.
Tahqiq: طارق بن عبد الواحد بن علي
Pages: 520
Edition: دار ابن الجوزي
Al-Jami' li Akhlaq ar-Rawi - al-Khatib al-Baghdadi  الجامع لأخلاق الراوي وآداب السامع للخطيب البغدادي

Edition 2 volumes

Excellent Egyptian edition in 2 large volumes (1600 pages), verified from 2 manuscripts, which corrects the errors of other editions, with beneficial annotations.
Some of the Harakats.
Tahqiq: أبو عبد الله أحمد بن أبي العينين
Volumes: 2
Pages: 1608
Edition: دار اللؤلؤة المصرية
Al-Jami' li Akhlaq ar-Rawi - al-Khatib al-Baghdadi  الجامع لأخلاق الراوي وآداب السامع للخطيب البغدادي

Edition 3 volumes

A superb Saudi edition of 100% Harakat in 3 large volumes (+2000 pages), verified from several manuscripts. With many detailed annotations on narrative chains and differences between manuscripts.
Most of the Harakats.
Tahqiq: أبو همام البيضاني
Volumes: 3
Pages: 2086
Edition: دار الناشر المتميز
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Editions available

Al-Jami' li Akhlaq ar-Rawi - al-Khatib al-Baghdadi  الجامع لأخلاق الراوي وآداب السامع للخطيب البغدادي

Edition 1 volume

Magnificent Saudi edition verified and authenticated.
Tahqiq: طارق بن عبد الواحد بن علي
Pages: 520
Edition: دار ابن الجوزي
Al-Jami' li Akhlaq ar-Rawi - al-Khatib al-Baghdadi  الجامع لأخلاق الراوي وآداب السامع للخطيب البغدادي

Edition 2 volumes

Excellent Egyptian edition in 2 large volumes (1600 pages), verified from 2 manuscripts, which corrects the errors of other editions, with beneficial annotations.
Some of the Harakats.
Tahqiq: أبو عبد الله أحمد بن أبي العينين
Volumes: 2
Pages: 1608
Edition: دار اللؤلؤة المصرية
Al-Jami' li Akhlaq ar-Rawi - al-Khatib al-Baghdadi  الجامع لأخلاق الراوي وآداب السامع للخطيب البغدادي

Edition 3 volumes

A superb Saudi edition of 100% Harakat in 3 large volumes (+2000 pages), verified from several manuscripts. With many detailed annotations on narrative chains and differences between manuscripts.
Most of the Harakats.
Tahqiq: أبو همام البيضاني
Volumes: 3
Pages: 2086
Edition: دار الناشر المتميز
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Al-Jami' li Akhlaq ar-Rawi - al-Khatib al-Baghdadi