Manhaj al-'Allamah al-Muhaddith al-Albani fi Ta'lil al-Hadith
منهج العلامة المحدث الألباني في تعليل الحديث - محمد حمدي أبو عبده
Risalah from the University of Jordan, dealing with the methodology of the great scholar and Muhaddith Al-Albani in the criticism and inspection of Hadith (Al-'Ilal more precisely).
Several criticisms have been raised against the Sheikh in his work of verification of Hadiths, concerning his scientific background to do such work and also his method.
The researcher answers these questions based on the works of Sheikh al-Albani and thus demonstrates the existence of the methodology of work in the revision of Hadiths, a methodology that the researcher explains in his book.
Then, it is of course admissible that the Sheikh made mistakes and the researcher shows it, but in this he is not different from the rest of his colleagues in this matter.
Risalah very informative, developed, with a careful layout and a very good quality of edition.
Data sheet
- Title
- منهج العلامة المحدث الألباني في تعليل الحديث
- Author
- محمد حمدي أبو عبده
- Pages
- 502
- Edition
- دار اللؤلؤة
- Cover
- Hard
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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