Lisan al-Mizan - Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani (Jarh...

Mandhumah fi Asma al-Mudalisin - Shihab ad-Din...

Tas-hifat al-Muhaddithin by Abu Ahmad...

Mu'jam of narrotors that al-Albani has made...

Mu'jam at-Tarikhi li Mustalahat al-Hadithiyah...

Here is a book of criticism of the reporters written by Imam adh-Dhahabi, one of the most important works in the science of Jarh wa Ta'deel.
In his book he identifies - in alphabetical order - liars narrators, unknowns, those to be abandoned, and he also wanted to distinguish them from scholars in hadith whose degree is low due to memory or certain breaches. He also took care to avoid some misleading expressions that may exist in some Muhaddith and which are not entirely clear on the weakness of the narrator.
Magnificent edition in 5 volumes, all verified and authenticated by various Muhaqqiq with many relevant and important annotations to give sources and other references which also mention the narrators.
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