'Ilal al-Waqf wal-Wasl wal-Ibtida' fil-Qur'an - Mustafa Salloum
علل الوقف والوصل والابتداء في القران الكريم - مصطفى رفعت سلوم
The signs for pausing (waqf), resuming (wasl), and starting (ibtida') in the Quran were established for grammatical or semantic purposes, such as completing the meaning or avoiding ambiguity. In this brilliant academic treatise, the author refers to a collection of books by nine renowned scholars in this field, mentioned in the introduction, as well as five Mushafs from which he derives the signs for waqf and ibtida'.
The author uses the thirteenth juz’ of the Quran to apply the issues discussed in the book. He approaches a Quranic verse marked with a waqf or ibtida' symbol, identifies the symbol across the five Mushafs, then cites the opinions of waqf scholars on the matter. He delves into the semantic and grammatical aspects of the issue, examining key points in detail. The book concludes with the author's proposal of new signs for waqf and ibtida', offering explanations and suggesting they be considered for future use.
This distinguished book is a comprehensive work and represents a commendable effort in its field.
Data sheet
- Title
- علل الوقف والوصل والابتداء في القران الكريم
- Author
- مصطفى رفعت سلوم
- Pages
- 601
- Edition
- دار اللؤلؤة المصرية
- Cover
- Hard
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Print Quality
- Good Quality Print
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