1- Usul as-Sunnah of Imam Ahmad according to his pupil 'Abdus al-'Attar
2- Kitab al-I'tiqad of Muwafiq ad-Din ibn Qudamah
3- Nasihah lil-Ikhwan fi Ithbat as-Sifat wal-Fawqiyah wal-'Uluw, wal-Harf was-Sawt, of 'Imad ad-Din al-Wasiti, ibn ash-Sheikh al-Haramayn, contemporary of Ibn Taymiyah
4- Al-Hujjah wa al-Burhan (al-Rad 'ala al-Jahmiyyah) of' Abdullah AbaBtayn
5- Ar-Rad bil-Hujjah 'ala man Ankara ash-Shirk, from 'Abderrahman ibn Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn 'Abdelwahhab
6- Nubhath Mufida fi Bayan Da'wah Shaykh al-Islam Muhammad ... Abdellatif ibn Abderrahman, great grandson of Muhammad ibn Abdelwahhab
7- Tuhfat ul-Ikhwan fi Bayan al-Haqq was-Sawab, of Muhammad ibn Abdelaziz ibn Mani'
All of these Risalahs have a Muqaddima on the author and theme of the work, and all are authenticated from several manuscripts scrupulously.
Data sheet
- Title
- المجموع العقدي يتضمن سبع رسائل اعتقادية مهمة
- Pages
- 392
- Edition
- دار التوحيد للنشر
- Cover
- Hard
- Checking and preparation
- خالد بن محمد السكران التميمي
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
Al-Ibaanah 'an Shari'atil Firqatin-Naajiyah -...
As-Sunnah by Imaam al-Khallal (311H)
Al-Qasidah Al-Ha-iyyah by Imam Ibn Abi Dawud...
Al-Rad 'ala l-Zanadiqa wal-Jahmiya - Imam Ahmad
Al-Amr bil-Ittibaa' wan-nahyu 'anil-Ibtidaa' -...
Usool as-Sunnah of imaam Ahmad (harakat)
Rad ad-Darimi 'ala Bishr al-Marisi al-Jahmi - Naqd 'Uthman ad-Darimi
نقض عثمان بن سعيد الدارمي على بشر المريسي الجهمي
Al-Amr bi al-Ma'roof wa an-Nahee 'an al-Munkar - Ibn Taymiyyah
الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر - ابن تيمية
Al-Arba'in as-San'aniyyah fi Fadl La Ilaha Illa Allah - As-San'ani
كتاب الأربعين الصنعانية في فضل ( لا إله إلا الله ) كلمة التوحيد - الأمير الصنعاني
Al-Ibaanah 'an Shari'atil Firqatin-Naajiyah - Ibn Battah
الإبانة عن شريعة الفرقة الناجية (الإبانة الكبرى) لابن بطة
Al-Amr bil-Ittibaa' wan-nahyu 'anil-Ibtidaa' - as-Suyuti
الأمر بالاتباع و النهى عن الابتداع ـ الإمام السيوطي
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€24.90 (tax incl.)A great work of the first generations in their refutation of Jahmiyyah and Mou'tazilah. Al-Haydah of Imam Abd al-Aziz Al-Kinani (240H) is a well-known work among the salafs, but not widely distributed in our time. Yet...€14.50 (tax incl.)This Risala is rare, the manuscript from which it comes is unique and goes back to a student of Ibn Qasim al-Qurtubi. He makes a true statement of Aqida according to Ahl as-Sunnah, taking no detour and going into...€1.75 (tax incl.)Matn with harakat (vowels) of risala Usool as-Sunnah of Imaam Ahmad. Treaty in which the Imam exposes the Manhaj and Aqeedah of Ahl us Sunnah. Accents on all letters (tashkil - harakat).Minhaj as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyah - Ibn Taymiyyah
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€5.00 (tax incl.)Risalah, little known but interesting, of a scholar Hanbali of the 11th century Najd, Uthman ibn Ahmad an-Najdi al-Hanbali, known as ibn Qa'id an-Najdi. This Sheikh wrote this treatise of Aqida, a century before the...At-Tabsiru fid-Din wa Tamyyiz al-Firqah an-Najiyah - al-Isfarayini (471H)
التبصير في الدين وتمييز الفرقة الناجية عن الفرق الهالكين - أبو المظفر الإسفراييني
€28.00 (tax incl.)This treatise of Aqida is divided into 15 chapters in which the author, Imam Abu Mudhaffar al-Isfarayini, exposes the erroneous and destructive beliefs of the Islamic sects that emerged, such as the Rawafid, Khawarij,...€16.90 (tax incl.)The excellent Sharh as-Sunnah of Imam al-Barbahaaree (his Aqeedah and his Minhaj), with Tahqeeq and Tashkil to facilitate reading and learning !Mutun in the Aqeedah (10 matn)
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€1.50 (tax incl.)Lot of 10 Matn of authentic Aqida, to buy in pack (cheaper) or separately. Very nice edition, mini format (8x12cm), black and red print on beige paper, 100% harakat (except exception). With slight annotations. Here is... -
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