Ma'alim as-Suwar - Fayez Sayyaf al-Suraih ( Landmarks of the Suras of the Qur'an)
معالم السور - فايز بن سياف السريح
The author has followed a certain methodology, which is:
The first axis: The names of the Surahs, whether they are based on Shari’ah texts or independent reasoning, with an explanation of the meaning.
The second axis: describing each Surah, whether it was revealed in Makkah or Madinah, the number of Verses, the order of their revelation and their arrangement in the Qur’an.
The third axis: which is the general purpose of each Surah.
The fourth axis: the themes of each Surah with clarification of the numbers of the Verses.
The fifth axis: the purposes included in the Surah.
The sixth axis: the uncommon words in the Qur’an.
The seventh axis: the occasions in which the Surah was revealed, the one before and after it.
The eighth and final axis: The inspiration behind the Verses; it contains guidance, and many subtleties and kindness.
Each of the above axes and landmarks provides you with information, knowledge and understanding of the greatest and most honourable books (the Noble Qur’an).
The topics of this book were compiled from a collection of books mentioned in it. It is a comprehensive, general and very simple book; both its design and presentation are distinctive and wonderful, enabling the readers to get ample benefits.
** This gorgeous large book (A4 size), glossy printed paper, is a bestseller in the Arabian Peninsula **
Data sheet
- Title
- معالم السور
- Author
- فايز بن سياف السريح
- Pages
- 560
- Edition
- دار الحضارة
- Cover
- Hard
- Format
- 20x28cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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Tafsir Juz adh-Dhariyyat - Shaykh Abderrahman al-Barrak
تفسير جزء الذاريات وفوائده وأحكامه - الشيخ عبد الرحمن البراك
Tafsir al-Mu'awwidhatayn (Al-Falaq & an-Nass) - Ibn Taymiyyah
تفسير المعوذتين - شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية
Rawa'i al-Bayan fi Tafsir al-'Allamah Ibn 'Ashur li Ayat al-Ahkam
روائع البيان في تفسير العلامة ابن عاشور لايات الاحكام - إلياس دردور
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