Muniyah as-Sajid bi Sharh Bidayah al-'Abid wa Kifayah az-Zahid
منية الساجد بشرح بداية العابد وكفاية الزاهد - د. أنس اليتامى
This is a contemporary explanation of a short book, well-known among the Hanbali students, which is "Bidayat al-'Abid wa Kifayat al-Zahid" by the eminent scholar Abdullah bin Abd al-Rahman al-Ba'li, the author of "Kashf al-Mukhadarat". Two Hanbali scholars and professors in the field wrote a commentary on the book in this voluminous work titled "Munyat al-Sajid bi Sharh Bidayat al-'Abid wa Kifayat al-Zahid".
In their commentary, the two authors relied mainly on two works of al-Buhuti: “Kashf al-Qina'” and “Sharh al-Muntaha”, in addition to incorporating selections from the writings of Ibn Taymiyyah and some contemporary scholars like Ibn al-'Uthaymeen and others. The book is a refined explanation filled with primary sources: each page features one or two lines from the original text followed by detailed commentary relying on Quran and Sunnah, along with the statements of scholars.
Data sheet
- Title
- منية الساجد بشرح بداية العابد وكفاية الزاهد
- Author
- د. أنس اليتامى و د. عبدالعزيز العبدان
- Pages
- 407
- Edition
- دار الركائز
- Cover
- Hard
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- In Part
- Print Quality
- Premium Quality ++
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