At-Tarjih al-Fiqhi 'inda Malikiyyah al-Gharb...

Sharh az-Zarqani ‘ala Muwatta al-Imam Malik

Al-Mu'amalat fi al-Fiqh al-Maliki - Sadiq...

Hashiyyah Sharaf ad-Din at-Tukhaykhi ‘ala...

Al-Minah al-Ilahiyah fi Sharh al-Ashmawiyyah -...

"Al-Masa'il wal-Aqwal wal-Marwiyat li al-Imam Abi al-Hasan Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Khalaf al-Qarawi al-Qabisi al-Maliki" (مسائل وأقوال ومرويات الإمام أبي الحسن علي بن محمد بن خلف القروي القابسي المالكي) is a collection of legal rulings, opinions, and narrations from the 10th-century Maliki scholar, Imam al-Qabisi. Presented in a question-and-answer format, the book delves into various aspects of Islamic law as understood within the Maliki school of jurisprudence, addressing issues (masa'il) that were likely presented to al-Qabisi during his time. It also contains his own statements (aqwal) and transmitted narrations (marwiyat) related to the Prophet Muhammad and the early Muslim community.
The book serves as a rich resource for understanding the development of Islamic legal thought and the specific interpretations championed by al-Qabisi, showcasing his reasoning and use of hadith and athar in legal discourse.
Imam Abu al-Hasan al-Qabisi, the author, was a distinguished scholar from Kairouan, famed for his expertise in hadith and education. A major figure in the Maliki school, he's also known for his educational treatise, "Al-Risala al-Mufassila."
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