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دليل السالك على أسهل المسالك - لحسن بن محمد سليماني
This unique book presents an explanation of the poem "Ashal al-Masalik fi Fiqh al-Imam Malik" by citing the argumentative evidence in a simple and concise style, while trying to keep away from additional and unnecessary discussions.
He mentioned the doctrines of the predecessors, namely As-Sahaabah (the Companions), at-Tabi’een (the Successors), and then the jurists after them. He started with the Imam of the School of Thought (Mālik), then his senior students, and then the famous jurists. He favoured the opinions on the basis of evidence; he analysed the Hadiths and often explained their degree, and tried to combine those that apparently suggest there is contradiction in them.
Nice edition, with the referencing of the Hadith mentioned.
Data sheet
- Title
- دليل السالك على أسهل المسالك
- Author
- لحسن بن محمد سليماني
- Pages
- 613
- Edition
- دار ابن حزم
- Cover
- Hard
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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