Matn Abi Shuja' (Ghayah al-Ikhtisar) - Fiqh Shafi'i (Anwar al-Azhar)

متن أبي شجاع المسمى غاية الاختصار (أنوار الأزهر)

An excellent new edition of one of the most famous Matn of Shafi'i Fiqh, the Matn Abi Shuja', also called Ghayatul-Ikhtisar.

This new and very serious edition is based on numerous manuscripts. One of the special features of this edition is that the Muhaqqiq, who has marked each Fiqh question in the Matn with a number (5923 points in all).

Thus, he matches the other two explanations of the Matn published by the same publishing house, namely (Al-Khatib ash-Shirbini's Al-Iqna') and (Hachiyah al-Birjimi) with this same numbering, thus allowing for continuity in the study of the Matn and its understanding.

You will find a rare and detailed biography of the author (as his biography does not appear in most collections of biographies of Shafiite scholars), and annotations pointing out the different texts and versions of the Matn according to the manuscripts.

100% Harakat edition.

€5.50 (tax incl.)
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مختصر أبي شجاع المسمى متن الغاية والتقريب أو غاية الاختصار
الإمام أحمد بن الحسين الأصفهاني الشافعي
أنوار الأزهر
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سيد المندوة
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