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Worship of the Heart - Muhammad al-Tuwaijri

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The book is an important reference for preachers, Du’at and teachers, for two reasons: the first is due to the course through which the author aims to give advice and moral guidance; the second reason is due to the method of As-Samarqandi in jurisprudence, which feels like he is addressing the public in a manner of invitation and intimidation (At-Targhib wat-Tarhib), and by relying on Ahadiths and traditions, whose style are predominated by invitation and intimidation, in order to move the emotions. He adopted the method of the righteous ancestors (the Salaf Salih) in asceticism, piety and preparation for the Day of Judgement.
Ad-Dhahabi said in his book “Siyar A’laam An-Nubala’”: “Abu al-Layth al-Imam al-Faqih al-Muhaddith, Abu al-Layth Nasr Ibn Mohammed Ibn Ibrahim As-Samarqandi al-Hanafi, the author of “Tanbih al-Ghafilin” ... His opponents spread rumours about him that he used Fabricated Ahadith.”
So indeed this book is known to gathering a lot of weak Hadith, even false ones. So we propose this book in a very beautiful edition, verified and authenticated, with annotation regarding the sources of the hadith and what the scholars says about the narrotors and its authenticity.
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