Imtihan al-Adhkiyaa Sharh al-Lubb lil-Baydawi + Hashiya al-Atah Li
امتحان الأذكياء شرح متن اللّبّ للبيضاوي - البركوي (مع حاشية الآطه لي)
Al-Birkawi (or al-Birkali) holds a prominent position in the Arabic language arts, and he is one of those rare individuals who appear over time and are marked by a special spirit that appears to be represented in the traces they leave. One of his most valuable works is “Imtihaan Al-Adhkiyaa”, an explanation of the text of “Al-Lub” by Al-Baydawi, and “Al-Lub” is an acronym for “Kaafiya” by Ibn Al-Hajib, in grammar.
Anyone who reads “Imtihaan Al-Adhkiyaa” will appreciate the author's work because of his wealth of information, accuracy, freshness in viewpoints, and skill to debate. With the inclusion of Sheikh Mustafa Ibn Hamzah Ataha li’s “Hashiya” on the “Imtihaan Al-Adhkiyaa,” the editor has completed the task of three great minds, leaving beneficial knowledge.
Gorgeous edition, with some of the Harakats.
Data sheet
- Title
- امتحان الأذكياء شرح متن اللّبّ للبيضاوي
- Author
- محمد بن بير على البركوي - البركلي
- Pages
- 760
- Edition
- دار تحقيق الكتاب
- Cover
- Hard
- Annotations
- حاشية الآطه لي
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- In Part
Al-Mughni fi Ta'lim an-Nahw
Sharh Durrat al-Yatim fi Nahu - al-Uthaymin
Al-Kafi fi An-Nahwi - Sayyid al-Khalifah
Tuhfah at-Tullab bi I'rab Mulhat al-I'rab -...
Tuhfatul Wusabiyya fi Tasheel matn al-Ajurrumiyyah
Mutammimah al-Ajroomiyyah with annotations -...
Sharh Nadhm Qawa'id al-I'rab - Shaykh al-'Otheimeen
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Al-Minha as-Saniyyah fi Sharh al-Lamhah al-Badriyyah fi Ilm al-Arabiyyah
المنحة السنية في شرح اللمحة البدرية في علم العربية لأبي حيان الأندلسي
Tuhfah at-Tullab bi I'rab Mulhat al-I'rab - Abderrahman al-Mu'allimi
تحفة الطلاب بإعراب ملحة الإعراب - الشيخ عبد الرحمن المعلمي
Tuhfatul Wusabiyya fi Tasheel matn al-Ajurrumiyyah
تحفة الوصابية في تسهيل متن الأجرومية - أحمد بن ثابت الوصابي
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