"He is ALLAH" | Innahu Allah - Sherif Fawzi Sultan
إنه الله : معرفة ملزمة و عبودية محتمة - د. شريف فوزي سلطان
He is Allah - Sherif Fawzi Sultan
In such current circumstances and turbulent trials and strife, where the people summon one another to attack this Muslim Ummah as people when eating invite others to share their dish, and disasters and sufferings have multiplied incessantly, not to mention the spread of forbidden acts in the open, such as usury, fornication, bribery, ill-gotten earnings, neglecting prayers, following desires, and drowning in temptation. Here the voices of honest Muslims rise, calling for the necessity of sincere education, and building a generation that can resist temptation with a satisfied soul and a thinking mind.
However, one of those primary and vital solutions is: Knowing Allah Almighty through His Most Beautiful Names and Exalted Attributes, and worshipping Him accordingly.
The first step is the knowledge of Allah; a pure heart and strong faith can only be attainable through Knowledge of Allah by His Names and Attributes. Building a strong effective society can only be attainable by hearts with strong faith; will Allah help us unless we know Him, worship Him, and thank Him?
Data sheet
- Title
- إنه الله : معرفة ملزمة و عبودية محتمة
- Author
- د. شريف فوزي سلطان
- Volumes
- 2
- Pages
- 1329
- Edition
- دار اللؤلؤة المصرية
- Cover
- Hard
- Volumes
- 2
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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