At-Taqyid wal-Idah (Kitab Ibn As-Salah Explanation by Al-Iraqi)
التقييد والإيضاح لما أطلق وأغلق من كتاب ابن الصلاح - الحافظ العراقي
At-Taqyid wal-Idaah lima Utliqa wa Ughliqa min Kitaab Ibn As-Salah by Al-Hafidh Al-Iraqi
Ibn as-Salah’s ‘Introduction to the Science of Hadith’ is the best classified book in the Islamic discipline of the science of hadith, its terminology and the principles of biographical evaluation. It has received considerable attention from subsequent authors who explained and abridged it; it became an example for latter books of its genre.
However, there is more than one place in which people have disagreed upon and other places that need restriction and specification, so Al-Hafidh Al-Iraqi has added to them some useful thoughts of his own. Some Late scholars have added to it some accounts that are not authentic, so Al-Hafidh Al-Iraqi thought that he should mention them and support the statement of Ibn as-Salah, lest those who do not know the science of hadith delve into it.
Data sheet
- Title
- التقييد والإيضاح لما أطلق وأغلق من كتاب ابن الصلاح
- Author
- الحافظ العراقي
- Volumes
- 2
- Pages
- 1632
- Edition
- دار البشائر الإسلامية
- Cover
- Hard
- Checking and preparation
- أسامة خياط
- Volumes
- 2
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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