Qayd Al-Awabid - Al-'Isami (Tafsir, Fawa-id,...

Al-Madkhal ila 'ilm I'jaaz al-Qur'an - Dr...

Al-Qu'ran al-Karim (Adab, Hifdh, Fadail, Ulum,...

Silsilah al-Quran: Fadaail al-Quran

Mabadih al-Mutashabih al-Lafdhi fi al-Quran...

Children in the Qur’an by Abdul Karim Khalaf.
This is a reference guide for every student of knowledge, and for every father, mother, or educator who wants to know the view of the Holy Qur’an on raising and caring for a child and preserving his life, health, nutrition, breastfeeding, and custody. It also deals with the psychological aspects of the child in terms of building his personality and the method of dealing with him, disciplining him, and protecting him from deviation. It is also a reference for those who want to raise their children religiously and intellectually, by bringing them up on the correct Islamic Faith, performing religious duties and acts of worship, honourable morals and good habits.
Finally, it is a guide for those who want to know the rights of the child in the Holy Qur’an and his rights in international conventions, with a comparison between them in several aspects.
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