Fatwa Halabiyah fi ‘Ulum Al-Arabiyah – Fakhr Ed-Din Qabawah
فتاوى حلبية في علوم العربية - فخر الدين قباوة
In keeping with the tradition of the predecessors in authorship, this book is the production of the lectures that Dr. Fakhr Ed-Din Qabawah held in Ibn Abbas Mosque in the city of Aleppo Al-Shahba’; they were recorded by the pioneers of his lectures in the form of a Q/A in order to discard any ambiguities therein. They were, indeed, purposeful questions, requiring quick and adequate answers.
The book is divided into two parts: First, the syntactic issues, and second, the general issues that include morphology, the meanings of grammatical tools, interpretation, and language...
The author’s preface discusses the syntax of the Noble Qur’an, its methodology, the Arabicized tongue, the history of Arabic Grammar, and the definition of these fatwas. And he concluded it with five indexes that reveal the treasures of the book to its reader.
One of the advantages of these fatwas is that they are suitable for all age groups, due to the diversity of the categories of their pioneers, therefore they are suitable for the masses of readers in Arabic sciences.
Data sheet
- Title
- فتاوى حلبية في علوم العربية
- Author
- أ. د. فخر الدين قباوة
- Pages
- 311
- Edition
- دار السلام
- Cover
- Hard
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
Al-Wasilah al-Adabiyah ila Ulum al-'Arabiyah -...
Al Mufrad Al ‘Alam (Ahmad Al Hashimi) - Imlaa
Nataaij Al-Fikr fi Nahwi - Abu al-Qasim as-Suhayli
Sharh Kitab as-Sibawayh - Abi al-Hasan...
Tarikh Al-Adab Al-Arabi - Ahmed Hassan Al-Zayyat
Athar al-Arabiyyah fi Istinbat al-Ahkam...
Al-Maqasid al-Wafiyyah fi Qawa'id 'Ilm al-'Arabiyyah (Q-A Nahw)
المقاصد الوفية في قواعد علم العربية - طه الأزهري
Kitab al-Ma'ani al-kabir fi Abyat al-Ma'ani - Ibn Qutaybah
كتاب المعاني الكبير في أبيات المعاني - الإمام ابن قتيبة
Dirasat li Uslub al-Qur'an al-Karim - Muhammad Abd al-Khaliq 'Udaymah
دراسات لأسلوب القرآن الكريم - محمد عبد الخالق عضيمة
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شذا العرف في فن الصرف - الحملاوي (مع التعليقات والرسوم البيانية)
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Athar al-Arabiyyah fi Istinbat al-Ahkam al-Fiqhiyyah
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