Suwar Min Hayaat as-Sahaabah vol.2 - D. Abdul...

I'lam al-Isabah bi A'lam as-Sahabah - Imam...

Madrassah as-Sahabah - Jihad Al-Turbani

Al-Isti'ab fi Ma'rifah al-AsHab - Hafidh ibn...

Hayat as-Sahabah - Muhammad Yusuf Al-Kandihlawi

Ma’rifat as-Sahaabah by Imam Abu Na’im Al-Asbahani (430H). He presented the book with an introduction in which he explained the reason for writing this book, so he said: “to find out the knowledge of the elite and famous Companions whose names and references have filled the collections of narrators and Hadith scholars, their ages, their death, the history of the mastered memorizers, who were proven to have a narration from the Messenger of Allah, or whose companionship and guardianship was confirmed.”
He began by mentioning their virtues, may Allah be pleased with them, presenting the ten who were promised Paradise, then he followed them with those whose name is similar to the name of the Messenger, then he alphabetically listed the rest.
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