This book is unique and proposes a new approach that brings together the morphological analysis of Arabic, with all its forms and roots, and the meanings of its structures; unlike the previous works, which were limited to the first side alone.
This research was based on different ancient references deemed reliable and known to the scholars and students. The author adopted an easy approach in presenting the morphological issues, with a clear style, simple and easy to understand.
To put into practice the theories exposed, the author gave explanations with examples taken from the Holy Qur’an and the texts of the poems, with an explanation and a description of its meaning. This book was written for the service of the Arabic language, and in order to bring morphology very easily to every student of this science of great importance.
Beautiful Syrian edition.
Data sheet
- Title
- الصرف العربي أحكام ومعان
- Author
- د. محمد فاضل صالح السامراني
- Pages
- 262
- Edition
- دار ابن كثير
- Cover
- Hard
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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