Why Did the Muslims Decline and Why Did Others Progress?
لماذا تأخر المسلمون ولماذا تقدم غيرهم - أمير البيان شكيب ارسلان
Shakib Arslan, also known as "The Eloquent Prince," was a prominent Lebanese thinker, historian, and diplomat. He lived during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, witnessing the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the beginnings of the Arab Renaissance. He gained fame for his writings and lectures on Islamic issues, with his most notable work being the book "Why Did the Muslims Decline and Why Did Others Progress?"
In this book, Arslan attributes the decline of Muslims to a combination of factors, primarily the deviation from the core principles of Islam, leading to widespread corruption. He also highlights the political weakness that plagued the Islamic world, along with intellectual stagnation and scientific regression. Additionally, Arslan sheds light on the detrimental impact of Western colonialism. In contrast, Arslan explains the progress of the West as a result of their adherence to Christian values, political unity, scientific superiority, and the role of colonialism, which enabled them to exploit and benefit from the world's riches.
This highly instructive book was prepared and annotated by Sheikh Mashhour Al Salman, and benefits from numerous praiseworthy prefaces by the following Shuyukhs: Muhammad Rashid Rida, Ali at-Tantawi, Muhammad Taqi eddin al-Hilali, Ibn Badis...
Data sheet
- Title
- لماذا تأخر المسلمون ولماذا تقدم غيرهم
- Author
- أمير البيان شكيب ارسلان
- Edition
- دار الإمام مسلم
- Cover
- Hard
- Checking and preparation
- الشيخ مشهور بن حسن آل سلمان
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- In Part
- Print Quality
- Premium Quality ++
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Al-Matalib al-Mufidah fi Masa-il al-'Aqidah - Tariq ibn Said al-Qahtani
المطالب المفيدة في مسائل العقيدة - طارق سعيد عبدالله القحطاني
Usul Taqiyyid al-Kitab wa as-Sunnah bi Fahm as-Salaf as-Salih
أصول تقييد الكتاب والسنة بفهم السلف الصالح - د. أحمد بن محمد النجار
Al-Husam al-Mahiq li Kulli Mushrik wa Munafiq - Taqi ad-Din al-Hilali
الحسام الماحق لكل مشرك ومنافق - الشيخ تقي الدين الهلالي
Characteristics of the Saved Group - Tariq ibn Said al-Qahtani
الخصائص الماثورة للطائفة المنصورة - طارق سعيد عبدالله القحطاني
21 Hadeeth on the Aqeedah and Follow explained by Shaykh Rabee '
مذكرة الحديث النبوي في العقيدة والاتباع ـ الشيخ ربيع المدخلي
The Metaphor : Al-Majaz, min al Ibdaa' ila al-Ibtidaa'
المجاز من الإبداع إلى الإبتداع - عبدالمحسن العسكر
4 Risalah of Sheikh Abdel-Muhsin al-'Abbad on Aqidah
عقيدة أهل السنة والجماعة في الصحابة الكرام - الشيخ عبد المحسن العباد
The obligation of the union of Muslims and their Imam - Ibn Barjis
الأمر بلزوم جماعة المسلمين وإمامهم والتحذير من مفارقتهم - عبد السلام بن برجس
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