This book was written by Abu Al-Abbas Ahmed ibn Ibrahim ibn Abdul-Ghani Al-Saruji Al-Hanafi (d. 710), the Chief Justice in Egypt. His interpretation is one of the rare explanations in the Hanafi School. He had an interest in discussing the Hadiths and their chains of transmission and their causes, unlike the work of the other Hanafi scholars in their commentaries, who were less interested in this field.
He was also interested in mentioning the opinions on many issues of scholars from other Schools of Thought - including the Zahiriyyah – emulating the method of Ibn Qudamah in his book "Al-Mughni", which I consider an important scientific wealth.
This was likely due to the fact that its owner was a Hanbali when he first studied Fiqh, then he turned to the School of Abu Hanifa and memorised “Al-Hidaayah” and took interest in it.
Many scholars of the School of Thought have benefited from this explanation, such as Al-Zayla’i in his book “At-Tabyeen”, Ibn Al-Hammam, Al-Mulla Khusraw, Ibn Abideen, and others.
Data sheet
- Title
- الغاية في شرح الهداية
- Author
- الإمام السَّروجي الحنفي
- Volumes
- 14
- Edition
- أسفار
- Cover
- Hard
- Checking and preparation
- حققه مجموعة من الدكاترة
- Volumes
- 14
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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