Sharh al-Minhaj al-Muntakhab 'ala Qawa'id...

Mukhtasar Khalil - New and improved edition...

Mudawanah al-Fiqh al-Malikiyyah wa adillatuh -...

Nadhm ud-Durar fi Sharh al-Mukhtasar...

Al-Sharh al-Saghir ala Aqrab al-Masalik -...

Majmou’ Al-Ameer wa Sharhih, by Muhammad Al-Ameer Al-Maliki
This book “Majmoo’ al-Amir” and it is also called “Mukhtasar al-Amir” by Sheikh Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmed ibn Abdul Qadir al-Sibnawi al-Maliki al-Azhari, known as the Amir (1154 AH - 1742 AD / 1232 AH - 1817 AD) may Allah Almighty have mercy on him. He adopted the approach of Sheikh Khalil in his “Mukhtasar”, but he relied on the most preferred opinions in the School of Thought, in contrast to those mentioned by Sheikh Khalil. He added jurisprudential branches that were not mentioned in Khalil’s “Mukhtasar”, and called his: “Al Majmoo’” because it covers the content of several books in a fluent and stylish interpretation.
He was so famous among his contemporaries to the extent that his sheikh, Sheikh Ali Al-Adawi Al-Sa’idi, used to refer to him.
100% Harakat, with lots of useful annotations, prefaced by Shaykh Ahmad Taha Rayan.
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