Al-Rawd al-Basim fi Taraajim Shuyukh al-Hakim - Naif Al-Mansuri
الروض الباسم فى تراجم شيوخ الحاكم - نايف المنصورى
The scholar Al-Hakim had numerous teachers, many of whom have not had their biographies documented. The author mentions more than a thousand of them, providing details about each, including a short biography, and those who transmitted from them. The book also includes an indispensable biography of Al-Hakim himself, containing precise details and corrections of distortions and errors, reflecting on the vast research of the author.
The book is introduced by a group of scholars, and reviewed and annotated with rulings on the narrators by the author's own teacher, Sheikh Mustafa bin Ismail Al-Sulaimani, who explains his methodology in selecting judgments on narrators based on specific principles and criteria.
The book is printed in two large volumes by Dar Al-Asima in Riyadh.
Data sheet
- Title
- الروض الباسم فى تراجم شيوخ الحاكم
- Author
- نايف المنصورى
- Volumes
- 2
- Pages
- 1528
- Edition
- دار العاصمة
- Cover
- Hard
- Preface
- الشيخ صالح بن عبد الله بن حميد
- Volumes
- 2
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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Idaah as-Sabeel fi Sharh Ithaaf an-Nabeel - Muhammad Adam al-Ithiopi
إيضاح السبيل في شرح إتحاف النبيل بمهمات علم الجرح والتعديل - محمد بن علي بن آدم الإثيوبي
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