Kitab al-Majruhin min al-Muhaddithin - Imam Ibn Hibban (354H)
كتاب المجروحين من المحدثين - الإمام ابن حبان البستي
This work of Imam Muhaddith Abu Hatim ibn Hibban brings together the rejected and critical narrators found in the chains of transmission.
This book is particularly important because Ibn Hibban is part of Muhaddith said "easy", which implies that when he criticizes a person is that she is really to abandon.
Superb edition in 2 very large volumes (more than 1600 pages in total), fully verified by taking the previous editions (the Muhaqqiq quotes discrepancies with his Tahqiq manuscripts and previous editions).
There is a research summary in alphabetical order at the end of the book very useful to check the narrators, and finally, icing on the cake, there is the majority of harakats, essential details for the names of the narrators.
Data sheet
- Title
- كتاب المجروحين من المحدثين
- Author
- الإمام ابن حبان البستي
- Volumes
- 2
- Pages
- 1611
- Edition
- دار اللؤلؤة
- Cover
- Hard
- Checking and preparation
- محمد بن إنسان فرحات
- Volumes
- 2
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- In Majority or Totality
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