Diwan ad-Du’afa’ wal-Matrukin - Imam Al-Dhahabi
ديوان الضعفاء والمتروكين - الإمام الذهبي
The writer of this book is Imam Al-Hafiz Shams Al-Din Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ahmed ibn ‘Uthman ibn Qaymaz Al-Dhahabi Al-Damashqi Al-Hanbali, the Hadith scholar and historian of the Levant. He was born in the year 673 A.H in Kafr Batna, Ghouta, Damascus, and he sought the Hadith knowledge at the age of eighteen. He rose to prominence in the arts of Hadith, especially in the sciences of Hadith narrators. He presided over the sheikhdom of Al-Dhahiriya in the past, and devoted himself to authoring and compiling. Therefore, he wrote a lot of knowledge and compiled useful books, the longest of which is Tarikh al-Islam, and one of the best is Mizan al-I’tidal. Ibn Taghri Bardi has listed sixty-five books for him in Al-Manhal Al-Safi.
Ibn Shakir al-Kibti said about Imam al-Dhahabi: “He mastered the Hadith and its narrators, examined its causes and conditions, knew the narrators’ biographies, and removed any ambiguity or injustice therein. He made numerous collections and resorted to abridging to avoid extensive compilations. Among his exploits is this book, “Diwan ad-Du’afa’ wal-Matrukin”, in addition to his published books on Al-Jarh and Ta’deel (Science of Criticism and Praise). Because of this book’s importance, it was taken care of in terms of control, scrutiny, investigation and commentary, and then it came out in this edition in a contemporary scientific form.
Serious edition verified from 4 manuscripts.
Data sheet
- Title
- ديوان الضعفاء والمتروكين
- Author
- الإمام الذهبي
- Volumes
- 2
- Pages
- 1224
- Edition
- دار البشائر الإسلامية
- Cover
- Hard
- Volumes
- 2
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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