Afat Ashab al-Hadith wa-l-Radd 'ala 'Abd al-Mughith by Ibn al-Jawzi
آفة أصحاب الحديث والرد على عبد المغيث - الإمام ابن الجوزي
The book "Afat Ashab al-Hadith wa-l-Radd 'ala 'Abd al-Mughith" by Ibn al-Jawzi is a response by the renowned Hanbali scholar to the work of "Abd al-Mughith" which discussed some issues related to the science of Hadith. Ibn al-Jawzi describes the book as "few have heard of it, let alone seen it." The focus of the book is on highlighting some of the afflictions that may affect the narrators of Hadith, such as a lack of understanding and improper comprehension of the Hadiths.
The book also includes Ibn al-Jawzi's criticism of some Hadith scholars who are knowledgeable about the authenticity of Hadiths but are lacking in their understanding of jurisprudence. Additionally, the book discusses Ibn al-Jawzi's response to Abd al-Mughith and some of the issues raised in his work. The book is considered an important work in the field of Hadith sciences, offering a critical and corrective perspective on some of the problematic practices that may occur in this discipline. The report recommends further study of this work by students of knowledge and researchers in the field of Hadith and jurisprudence.
Great edition verified by Shaykh Sa'd ibn al-Humaid.
Data sheet
- Title
- آفة أصحاب الحديث والرد على عبد المغيث
- Author
- الإمام أبو الفرج ابن الجوزي
- Pages
- 800
- Edition
- دار الألوكة
- Cover
- Hard
- Checking and preparation
- سعد عبد الله الحميد
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- In Majority or Totality
- Print Quality
- Premium Quality
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