Sharh al-Muqidhah li al-Imam adh-Dhahabi - Dr Ibrahim al-Lahim
شرح الموقظة للامام الذهبي - إبراهيم عبد الله اللاحم
This is an excellent commentary by a proficient contemporary scholar of Hadith: Ibrahim bin Abdullah al-Lahim, who authored several valuable works in the field.
The book "Al-Mooqidha" by Imam al-Dhahabi is a concise book in the terminology of Hadith, well-known among scholars. The author intended in his commentary to clarify al-Dhahabi's statements, comparing it with the statements of other Hadith scholars, while providing examples. He presents al-Dhahabi's words in "Al-Mooqidha" and explains them based on his other works, then compares them with the statements of other scholars, especially Ibn Daqiq al-'Eid, the teacher of al-Dhahabi, and Ibn al-Salaah as well as others, with a focus on examples. This book is one of the best commentary of "Al-Mooqidha" to date.
It is a lengthy commentary, spanning over 400 pages, published by Ihsan Center for Hadith Studies.
Ihssan Center for Sunnah Studies:
Ihssan Center is a non-profit organization based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, dedicated to studying, promoting, and preserving the Prophetic Sunnah. It aims to strengthen belief in the Sunnah and provide intellectual immunity against contemporary doubts.
Data sheet
- Title
- شرح الموقظة للامام الذهبي
- Author
- إبراهيم عبد الله اللاحم
- Pages
- 463
- Edition
- مركز إحسان لدرسات السنة النبوية
- Cover
- Hard
- Format
- 17x24cm
- Harakat
- None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
- Print Quality
- Premium Quality
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